
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Benefits of Social media to the Individuals

The Benefits of Social Media
The term "Social Media" is a relatively new term that has impacted virtually every realm of our society. The benefits of social media are vast with an array of beneficial factors for both individuals and society. While some are blatantly obvious, others have a significant influence and are worthy of consideration.
In evaluating the benefits, the most apparent is the ease in which people can keep in touch. Most networks such as Facebook and Twitter are automated to allow the simple entry of an e-mail address to give access to the users entire contact list. Once accessed, the system can send out an invitation for anyone in your contact list to join. Multiply that times the number of friends a person may have times the recipients friends and it's easy to see how the snowball effect quickly becomes a maximized, expanding force. It plays on the friend-of-a-friend concept and capitalizes on the each one - bring one idea since anyone who joins is encouraged to both invite others and to introduce their friends to other online friends.
The result of the social media phenomena is a massive cross polarization of people, cultures and interests. It is an interesting blend that can ignite a vivid display of conversation and thought processes. It expands our world as we know it. No longer are we encompassed by our limited boundaries and geographic regions. It allows us to effortlessly talk to someone located across the globe without limitations.
The societal benefits of the social media phenomenon are vast. The social networks are a wellspring of information; it can usher in trends and be the catalyst that explodes uncensored, public opinion. It is here, that the social media’s influence is the most apparent. Information travels rapidly across the network and can be disseminated with ease. Public opinion can be formulated, altered quickly and transmitted to the masses.
Also noted are the benefits in the business community. It allows businesses to have a window into the thought processes of their customers. This is Information that previously businesses had to pay for and now, it can be garnered by simply posting a question on their page and waiting for the responses to flood in. This eliminates the need for companies to pay large sums for outdated mailing lists and directories. A huge benefit of social media is that companies can engage their customers and employ successful strategies to quickly get the word out about their products, services or simply, increase their customer base, One way businesses can do this is by presenting a "free offer" or a contest and require that the entrants provide their e-mail, address, phone number or any other marketing data the company wishes to compile. This in essence cost little, but produces significant results. Simply put, the benefits of social media to the business community are tremendous. It's opened up major information highways that are a direct portal to the hearts and minds of their customers.
Another advantage that was discovered when considering the benefits of social media was found in the law enforcement community. In criminal instances like child abduction cases, kidnapping, robberies or any case where law enforcement needs the public assistance, a mass, viral transmission can aid law enforcement and provide a rapid, safe resolve of a situation.
The fact is, society benefits greatly with social media networks and we are just now beginning to realize the multitude of advantages these networks offer.

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